The Biggest Problem Interior Designers Face

Oct 16, 2024

The Real Problem Designers Face--It’s Not "Discounts", It’s Crafting True Client Partnerships

Some interior designers think the biggest challenge they face are clients constantly asking for "discounts". It can feel super annoying—after all, you know the value of your work, and constant pricing issues can undermine your confidence and your bottom line. But here’s the truth: the problem isn’t sharing of discounts or clients asking for them. The real issue lies in the failure to create a partnership where both you and the client feel like you’re getting the best value.


The Discount Distraction

First of all if you are selling wholesale, the price you get for being in business with all that carries with it is NOT a discount. But when you hear designers talking about this issue it often is a surface-level symptom of a deeper issue.

Clients might ask for discounts when they feel uncertain about the value they’re receiving. And designers, trying to secure the project, might offer to share a discount in hopes of sealing the deal. But what happens when the real problem isn’t addressed? The client may get a lower price, but they could still feel like they’re not getting enough value. And the designer? They end up working harder for less money, feeling underappreciated and undervalued.

This constant cycle only leads to resentment and frustration on both sides. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The Power of a Partnership

The real solution lies in crafting a partnership with your client—one where both of you feel like you’re winning. A strong partnership isn’t just about the end product; it’s about the relationship you build during the design process. When both parties feel they’re getting the best value, there’s no need for discounts. Instead, there’s trust, understanding, and shared goals.

How to Build a Value-Driven Partnership

  • Start with Clear Communication

The foundation of any strong partnership is communication. Be transparent with your clients from the start about what’s included in your services, how your price a project, and the value they can expect to receive. Clients should never be left guessing why you charge what you do or how your services benefit them. When clients clearly understand the value you bring, they are less likely to push for discounts.

  • Focus on Results, Not Price

Clients often ask for discounts when they’re fixated on the price instead of the outcome. Shift the focus of your conversations from cost to results. Help clients understand how your design will impact their home, their lifestyle, or even the resale value of their property. When clients see the bigger picture, they realize that the value of what they’re getting far outweighs any small discount they might ask for.

  • Set Expectations and Boundaries Early

A successful partnership is built on clear expectations. Discuss timelines, budgets, and deliverables early in the process. Clients who understand the full scope of what they’re getting are less likely to feel like they need a price reduction to balance out the value. By setting strong boundaries and managing expectations, you ensure that both you and your client feel comfortable and confident in the partnership.

  • Educate Your Clients on the Design Process

Many clients simply don’t understand the full extent of what goes into creating a beautiful, functional space. Take the time to educate them on the design process—how much time, effort, and creativity it takes to bring their vision to life. When clients see the thought and expertise behind every decision, they’ll better appreciate the value you bring, and the discussion will shift away from discounts.

  • Create a Collaborative Relationship

A strong partnership is collaborative. Involve your clients in the design process in meaningful ways—ask for their input, help them understand how their choices impact the project, and show them the value of the decisions you’re making on their behalf. When clients feel like active participants, they’re more likely to trust you, value your expertise, and feel like they’re getting a great deal without the need to question pricing. Especially if you are fair.

The Win-Win Solution

When you focus on crafting a partnership where both you and your client feel valued, the conversation around discounts becomes irrelevant. You’re not just providing a service—you’re building a relationship based on trust, shared goals, and clear communication. This is what makes clients feel like they’re getting the best value, and in turn, allows you to be fairly compensated for your work.

Ultimately, the biggest problem designers face isn’t clients asking for discounts—it’s the inability to structure relationships that lead to mutual satisfaction. By shifting your focus from price to partnership, you can create stronger, more rewarding client relationships that benefit both parties, eliminating the need for constant price negotiations.

When clients feel confident in the value they’re receiving, and when designers feel empowered to charge their value, both sides win.

And that’s the real key to creating a legacy business.

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