The Design Paradigm


The Design Paradigm™


An interior design Business strategy Model Based on

Pricing, Positioning and Profitability for the Creative 

The only comprehensive hybrid one on one and group coaching program for interior designers looking to master the art of pricing, positioning and the profitability of a win/win creative design firm. 

Interior Design Business Coach Cheryl Clendenon

 This is my focus. 

This is my passion.

After two wildly successful years with The Design Paradigm, I am doing what I want to do with this program--and focusing on my best strengths--and that's to help YOU grow your interior design or architecture business by creating a paradigm shift in thinking about important core elements of a creative focused firm. 


We are committed--are you? 


3 opportunities to choose from that will fit your needs! 


It will be nearly impossible for you not to scale the growth of your design firm with a focus on pricing, positioning and profiting from your creativity.
It's the trifecta that has got me where I am today. 

interior design business coach

We are not for everyone. I am ok with that just like I am ok with not being right for all the clients either. 

Seeking: A visionary designer who is little rebellious in thought--even if you hide it sometimes. One who wants to win it and doesn't care what others are doing--and that can be brave when you need to be even if your knees are knocking.

Actively pursuing: Designers who want to build a legacy business over the long haul that allows you to be profitable and living your best life while doing it --and most importantly, not afraid to put the work into getting where you want to go. 

If you are--

Wanting to stand
out--and up--in a vast sea of sameness 

I am over it. Aren't you? Building your community franchise is the first step in keeping your pipeline full and maintaining a wait list.  

You have a voice, a point of view and now want to reframe your business to align with that view that will make you stand out amongst your peers.

You are ready slay dragons and not be afraid of the next guy while doing it and embrace being extraordinary. 

Aiming to love your work so much you wake up feeling the energy of a well rested creative  

You want to work hard, play hard and find your balance while becoming more effective in processes and client management in whatever way that looks like for you--not a cheap imitation of someone else's brand success. 

You are ready to dive in with us and do the work to discover who you really are as a business and what your happy place looks like.


Ready to have a
plan for the future that can be executed with intention. 

You want to know where your business is going in the next month, next year, and five years down the road that will give you more confidence in running your day to day business and be able to project profit consistently.

To make a plan and set goals is VITAL to success. Even if you course correct multiple times, who cares?

You must set the goals to achieve them. 

We will be a partner in your growth with a structured approach to accountability. 

The Design Paradigm interior design business coaching program

 Let's cut to the chase--

What makes The Design Paradigm™ program stand out amongst the competition?

Here are 8 Reasons TDP is different
than other interior design business programs.


Individualized 1 on 1 Strategy Sessions 

We have specific one on one meetings with Cheryl or Liz in the full TDP. These meetings are centered around milestones we set together to increase your bottom line. 

No one else takes this dedicated time to work with you on YOUR individual business.

* Note the number of one on one meetings varies by program you choose


Action & Accountability

We will set an accountability plan and check in on our one on one meetings to ensure moving forward and doing the work. And, weekly check ins. 

These are easy to accomplish and doing them together as a group challenge assists in seeing what works for others too!  


Marketing & Sales Focus


Master the art of pricing, selling and marketing creativity with one of the strongest sales people you will ever meet. Our mantra is we make the engagement a "win win" for us and the  client. 

We will show you how THIS is what will make the biggest difference in your income. 

Don't pretend to be the complete solution, but the driving force of the solution to a client's problem and be creative about it! 


Library of Workbooks


Simply put, these are epic. 9 volumes for full TDP.  Easy to read and can take notes on every page. 

"The workbooks are pure gold. This is what coaching should be about. Providing information you can refer back to you as often as needed."--TDP Designer 2023

*Note the number of books will vary depending on what level you choose. 


Group office hour meetups 

Once a month Liz or Cheryl will have group office hours. Can't make it? Then you can make it another time with no stress.

 They all will be recorded. This is a 90 minute window of time to share concerns with your colleagues and specific questions to address to Cheryl and Liz. 


Accessibility to us

With our signature app you can get in touch with us for questions and concerns. It is your partner life line!

You also can ask questions as you go along inside our learning site on any of the specific topic videos we provide. These questions are answered typically within 24 hours or sooner. 



Amazing deliverables we use in our business every day. I hate to say it out loud but it blows everything else you have seen away.


Cheryl is a major researcher and brainiac when it comes to how to maximize client interactions and marketing.



We feel the 5-6 week involvements when trying to grow a business is simply not enough time.

Yes, there can be super specific aspects you can dive into in the short term but to run a sustainable business over the long haul, it takes longer to implement changes for growth.

 If it was easy, everyone would do it. 

Running a design firm, or any small business for that matter, is not a one-size-fits-all wrapped up in a pretty bow. It is about building the framework from the ground up and having a solid foundation that will make you recession-proof and dominating in the practice of Pricing and Positioning Creativity for optimum profitability. 

This is truly what this entire program is about. 

This program is challenging. It has epic twists and turns in the way you might think about business. It's not a magic wand. (but kind of similar)  

The Design Paradigm is not for those who cannot differentiate smoke and mirrors from the real deal. 


We are a multi-faceted business strategy program with many ways to get involved and grow!

Click below to see what opportunities are available to take your business to the next level!

Wendy Cook of Blooming Daisy Interior Design - TDP Designer
Hear my favorite part of The Design Paradigm!

Why our designers trust Cheryl with their business

She is real.
She speaks the truth and won't sugar coat where your business needs to change.

AND she runs a firm that is active and in the trenches along side you and seriously, the hands on experience is what counts the most.

Don't settle for the coach who tells you what you want to hear. 

You need the one that will set you up for sustainable growth with great profit and the right people.

24 years of active full service design owner & experience

Live Q&A bi-weekly workshops with Cheryl to put into practice what you learn

300+ comprehensive videos to support the live workshops

1:1 strategy meetings walking through your business and meeting your goals

Partnership access to Cheryl & Liz--you are NOT just a number to us

Workbooks to take notes and keep for life

DGD Certification upon completion of the program 

Custom deliverables made by US with additional input after completion

 There is no one who knows the strategy and mindset--that is my own unique secret sauce. 

Do you want to own a design firm who caters to the snooty patooties and do show houses and be an Insta darling, or do you want to make insane profit, have a life outside of work with a core team of people and build a franchise of clients who adore you--and even better--wait for you? 

No worries if you are focused on different goals but I am walking the talk here and am focusing on those who want to leverage my strengths. I am asking for what I want here. But what is more brilliant, I will help you do the same. 

Your success = my success. 

I can't help you become famous, but I sure as heck can help you make money. 

Colleen Langdon of Crafted Quarters - TDP Designers
Hear more about my wins from The Design Paradigm

View a list of our one on one strategy sessions!

The best interior design business coach

 Meet Cheryl


200 or so years ago a child came roaring into the world feet first ready to show up and argue a cause. Just because. Her mother still tells the true story- the kid was screaming-“why”- from the minute she landed wrong side up and slapped the doctor for disturbing her afternoon nap.

And to this day does not give “it” a rest except when she is sleeping. Which is where you will find her only between the hours of 2am and 7:30am. A belligerent non-smoker (in case you were wondering) and a frequent challenger of anything that resembles “normal” or desired by the masses, Cheryl is a natural born contrarian who talks faster than 2x speed on a podcast.

She gravitates towards wanting to help clients and designers who are the square pegs in a world of round holes, lose earrings impossibly frequently, fall off of platform shoes and are unapologetically saucy and possesses a wicked side eye.
Relaxing is not in the skill set. Life begins and ends with family.

Her sacred words are: Why, Percipient, Whizbang and Profit.

Investment Options:
Now enrolling until October 31, 2024!

Not sure which option is right for you?

Email or click below to schedule a time to chat with Cheryl for more information on joining The Design Paradigm. 






This is designed for those who want more one on one opportunities to work with Cheryl on your specific business needs and have her available for out of session "walk and talk" meetings --with your partner! 
  • 8 One on one intensives beginning in January - 2 hours each
  • Action and accountability- We are here to help you find the time to put the work into action! 
  • 8-9 Workbooks for those who prefer to read! 
  • Easy accessibility via email or other quicker methods. 
  • Supplemental subjects from The Design Paradigm to focus on the core aspects of your business
  • 90 minute group office hours for Q and A November to November 
  • 15 months to implement if you enroll by the end of October 2024**
  •  All deliverables included with the individual subjects

Pay in 15 MONTHS: $1,879/MONTH

**NOTE: Pricing will increase change to 12 monthly payments on November 1st!






This opportunity is designed for those who are ready to dive in head first, need one on one guidance and who do remodels and new builds as a primary aspect of their business. 

  • 4 strategy one on one sessions at 1.5 hours each in structured sessions to dig into the pressing needs you have now. 
  • Action and accountability- We will make sure you get the work done to move you forward! 
  • 8-9 Workbooks for those who prefer to read! 
  • Accessibility to us in multiple ways 
  • 90 minute group office hours for Q and A November to November (approx 2x per month!) 
  • 15 months to implement if you enroll by the end of October 2024**
  •  All deliverables included with the individual subjects


Pay in 15 months:


**NOTE: Pricing will increase change to 12 monthly payments on November 1st!






  A deep dive into how to price and sell your creative vision and implement Project Pricing™ with success.
The focus will be on core components of value creation and how to SELL it to the client as a win/win!
  • 40+ Topic Videos 
  • Unlimited questions via the Kajabi learning platform about the topics in this program
  • 2 structured one on one meetings with Cheryl at the beginning and end to review where you are and the changes you need to make. 
  • 4 Monthly live group Q & A meetings
  • Additional deliverables, templates, spreadsheets, client-facing verbiage and the tools you need to help set up your business for growth
  • 6 months access - 3 months of interactive learning and 3 months to review and have additional time to implement
This is the Business Model that transforms your business into a growth machine. We are going to reinvent and build the framework for your design firm.

Pay in 2 payments:
$2,150 each


Actionable Additional Deliverables For
The Design Paradigm

 Our custom calculator for flat fees and minimum expenditure- THIS IS EPIC AND LIKE NONE OTHER YOU HAVE SEEN--ASK ANYONE WHO HAS IT!
✓ Cheryl’s custom methodology you need to be profitable and guidance to get yours right! Even those calculators you never thought you needed.
 The Visual Proposal - GAME CHANGER - AND reviewed by Cheryl for those that would like input.
 Review of website for those who wish and giving a brief impression of anything that might improve from strictly a marketing viewpoint.
✓ Custom spreadsheets for dissecting historical data, hours, post mortem jobs, budgets, material schedules and more
 Terminology guides, warranty disclaimers, and everything you need to know about communicating with subs and clients (including our EPIC Project Planner)


 Contract language for flat fees and minimum expenditure agreements.
 Website and Client introduction guidance and reviewed by Cheryl 
 Templates for the minimum spend scope of work, client facing verbiage, questionnaires, leads, training new employees, contractor agreements and more
✓ Marketing templates that you can customize and be off and running
 Checklists for processes you never thought about, milestone site visits and more

 Case studies of kitchens, baths, bedrooms and more


If you would like the full list of deliverables please email us!












Have questions?

We have answers!

By purchasing The Design Paradigm™ you agree to abide by the copyright agreement and terms of service located below and if you are paying monthly it is a binding agreement to continue until the end of yearly the program. Due to the digital nature of this content this makes it nonrefundable.